No doubt, Instagram is best social media platform to create buzz about your branding. Instagram is very popular social media platform as it offers wide opportunities to communicate and engage with customers and increase brand awareness. Instagram is well known for sharing pictures, with over 800 million monthly users, the platform provides wider reach to audience and build your brand image. Because of its large and growing user base, Instagram is a successful social media marketing tool.

But, posting pictures only will not help businesses to grow. Social media marketing agencies and SEO companies believe that you need to work hard and build strategies, follow some tips and techniques for promoting your business on Instagram. It takes time to build a brand on Instagram, but it does happen with right strategies.
Let’s dive into some ultimate tips and techniques which will help you in boosting your business on Instagram-Be Active
Be an active participant on the platform. Keep on observing, watching and learning from others content. You need to keep a close eye on your competitors, top performers of your niche in order to create your own strategies. Involve into the platform by following similar accounts, follow other people, brands or influencers. Comment and like on others posts to get engaged with them. Don’t copy others content or style, in fact, take inspiration from other accounts and build your own strategies. Take what you find or what you like, then add your own unique elements and make your own strategy.

Design your Content
As a business, you must follow a particular layout theme as its all about branding. Branding is the biggest part of content creation. Create a style pattern, design your posts accordingly, and keep it consistent throughout all posts. Business users must pay attention to the overall design of their account. Create a similar and complementing look of your posts and images. For example, if you are the owner of a fitness gym or fitness club. You can create fitness related posts, day to day gym happening, wellness posts, workout ideas, before after photos, relaxation posts etc. The posts should help users to recognize your brand.
Hashtags plays very important role on instagram as users who search a certain tag or phrase related to your business can see your posts. Incorporating relevant hashtags is essential to spread your profile around the platform and make it visible. You need to make sure that you are adding hashtags relevant to your content only as randomly adding n number of irrelevant hashatgs will get you nowhere. Add top trending hashtags. Avoid adding general hashtags like #gym #workout instead add #perfectgymtips #wellnessworkout etc. You can create your own hashtag as well and keep using in all your posts and videos. Do not forget to write good captions too for your posts.
Use Latest Trends
Going with the trend is the best practice on social media platform. Be it on your posts, stories, reels or videos. Incorporate tending topics in your posts. Use trending audio songs for your reels. Use trending filters on your stories. Keep yourself updated about the latest trends and implement the same in your post designs. For example, latest trend like Kaacha badaam and Pushpa movie trend was a big hit for instagram users. Keep using latest trend, it shows that your business follow current trends actively.
Engage Regularly
Do not just leave your account after posting pictures; keep on engaging with your followers and other accounts. This will help you in communicating with them and helps in building strong relationship with your brand. Reply to the comments as soon as possible, reply to all DMs received within 24 hours. Increase your brand awareness by staying active on Instagram and engaging regularly. Follow and engage with more influencers as well.
Schedule your Posts
Consistency is the key to be successful on any social media platform. This can be achieved by simply plan your content, create your posts and schedule them in advance. This will help you in posting regularly at same time while following a specific plan. You can take help of social media tools like buffer, hootsuite to schedule your content in advance. Spend some time and create a weekly calendar for your posts and follow that. For example, you can have post on Monday motivational goals for Monday, promoting your services or products on Tuesday, clients feedback or testimonials for Wednesday, contest or video on Thursday and so on.
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