We all grew up hearing there are no shortcuts to success. You have to work for it. Although, when it comes to top rank your website on search result page. Do we apply it? Of course not how can we? In the end, we are humans who just want to achieve everything in the shortest time. But sometimes shortcuts backfires you. And if you are playing shortcuts with Google then it’s definite.
Wondering what are these shortcuts? In digital marketing language, these shortcuts are known as SEO Violations.
SEO Violations:
SEO violations are the questionable techniques that marketers use to rank their site on search engine. They believe these tactics will outwit Google but it’s hard to do so. Search Engine will definitely locate and penalize you accordingly. But worry not.
Here is the list of SEO violations. You just have to first find out for which violation you get penalized and take steps accordingly.
Let’s talk about it one by one.
Keyword stuffing & hiding-

We all have read in articles that keyword is the essential component of every SEO strategy. So does it mean we can use it as much as we want? Hell not. Search engine asked to use keywords you want to be found for on your pages but naturally. Otherwise Google will penalize you for keyword stuffing. If you are trying to evade the violation by hiding the keywords behind the white background then DON’T. Search engine algorithms will definitely catch you red handed.
Therefore, use the number of keywords naturally and remove the hidden one if you don’t want to see your site down.
Ads Everywhere-

Nobody likes advertisements popping up all over the content. It’s too frustrating. I am damn sure you site owners too feels the same way then why do you do that? Your target audience wants to see the content they visit your site for. If you are not going to lessen the number of ads then be ready to pay for it. Google page layout algorithm will take your site down if they locate it.
So do it before the Google does. Limit the number of ads so that your audience can read the actual content in the midst of ads.
Shallow, poor & duplicate content-

If someone gives you the same repeated content to read it, will you read it? Off course no one would? You just don’t have to fill up the content portion of your site. The content needs to be relevant and valuable to readers. If the content is not able to serve the user intent what’s the point of uploading it. In the end, content is written for the targeted audience.
Write content that answers the search query of your audience. Otherwise Google panda algorithm will penalize your site for duplicity and poor content. Grab the attention of your audience first, Google will definitely notice you.
Paid and unnatural link-

Link building is important to let Google know your site is quality resource, worthy of citation. It drives referral traffic and increases your site authority which helps in better ranking of your site. But all depends on the quality of links. If you just buy and sell a large amount of links that go to your site Google will penalize you for paid and unnatural links.
That’s why increase the quality of links not just the number. Quality links will bring more traffic without getting penalized by Google.

Nobody likes to get trick so does Google. One of the worst things you can do is cloaking. A method that marketers use to show search engine a different page/content than what the human searchers see. If you caught doing it Google will punish you with harsh penalty.
Therefore go through the Google webmaster guidelines and act accordingly. There is no need to apply shortcuts.
If Google is giving you a tough time contact our Digital marketing Agency. We will recover your site from every penalty and make sure your site rank higher on Search Engine result page.
Check out how we helped our client Behnam and Revees’s site recover from a massive manual penalty and get 160% ROI via search engine optimization channel. Click the link below.
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