Say you have a small business and you have a nice internet marketing campaign in place which has resulted in a positive response from readers and your SEO work is all running successfully. This would certainly have resulted in an increase in website traffic.

This is where CRO comes into the picture. Ideally, if everything goes well otherwise, you should see the bottom line of your business going up with the increase in your web traffic. But that doesn’t happen, at least not in the longer run if you do not pay attention to CRO.
Let’s take an example. Say you have a website whose aim is to sell furniture. You will obviously start off with the entire SEO activity and internet marketing. SEO as the initial step is very important and is also an ongoing activity. Obviously, it is very important that when people search the internet for furniture websites, they should find your name in the top search results.
There is no fun to exist out there without being noticed! Now the next objective is to monitor the conversion which would be measured by how many users actually buy the furniture from the website which is actually your ultimate goal to increase sales from the site and thereby earn more revenue. This is what CRO will do for you because it is a goal driven activity. You can enhance usability through CRO.
Usually what happens is that marketing teams target a small section of customers who showed a considerable response to a campaign and soon they realize that the customer behavior is not consistent. As a matter of fact, online marketing responses fluctuate by and large basis hour to hour, segment to segment and offer to offer. The methodologies of conversion optimization are then run in a real-time environment where the real-time data collation increases the scale and efficiency of the internet marketing campaign.
The below mentioned 5 quick tips will help you remember how you can achieve the right amount of CRO:
- Identify your target users and understand them well and tweak your strategy well enough to drive them to hand over their money after they visit your website.
- Focus completely and entirely the key drivers of your website users’ psyche after you have identified them into becoming customers.
- Set realistic conversion goals as per the kind of product or service. A product like an expensive car could have a test drive request as conversion criteria whereas a salon could have an appointment request as a conversion.
- Ask for only the essential information of a customer else it may create a trust issue in the visitor’s mind.
- Most importantly, utilize the call to action in its correct sense. A good call to action should prompt the visitors to take action and should be certainly supported by enabling them to do so.
For instance, providing an appointment request widget not only prompts potential customers to schedule their appointments easily but also enables them to do so while they are still on the website.
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